Day: January 28, 2019

The Climate Change Debate

I have no expertise or knowledge on this subject, so I will leave it to another person who also has little idea what to do in response to climate change concerns to illustrate the problems. If nothing else this short video clip will make you think.


Please turn the lights out before going to bed and pulling the duvet over your head.

Just think on this, the timescale over which we have been measuring changes to the climate are so tiny in comparison with the supposed age of the earth that any data we have is the piffling equivalent of a water molecule to an ocean. But even from human history we know that if the River Thames was so heavily frozen over that Londoners could have a fair on its surface, then we have already lived through a period which today would have thrown climatologists into a frenzy, and the religious  into sackcloth and ashes: the end is nigh!

But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814, the ice was thick enough to hold a fair. Two hundred years ago Londoners stood on the Thames eating gingerbread and sipping gin. The party on the frozen river had begun on 1 February and would carry on for another four days. The ice was so thick it was able to support printing presses churning out leaflet souvenirs, oxen were roasted on roaring fires, dances were enjoyed and an elephant was marched across the river alongside Blackfriars Bridge.

All the following info regarding temperatures is from the website WUWT: Watts Up With That? Quotes are between italics. The graphic below shows the peaks and troughs in temperature charts over the last 2000 years. The peaks in temperatures were not only higher a thousand years ago but the entire millennia was warmer than ours.

‘A 2012 paper, looking back at the climate of the past two thousand years was published in the journal “Climate of the Past,” The title of the paper is, “The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability,” by B Christiansen of the Danish Meteorological Institute and F C Ljungqvist of Stockholm University.

Now another paper, by Esper et al published in the Journal of Global and Planetary Change, shows that not only were the summers of the  MWP equal or greater than our current warmth, but that the summers of the Roman Warm Period of 2000 years ago were significantly warmer than today.’

As our predictions regarding climate change are probably inaccurate; and nothing serious will be done anyway, and because radical action would cause political uproar and rioting then it may be best to just hunker down and wait for whatever is coming. As a Christian I believe we are close to the anticipated end of one era and the beginning of another. Having said that there is good reason to think this will have little or nothing to do with climate change issues. Below is a more reasoned and serious rebuttal of climate change with all its shrill, panicky knee jerk responses.

From the two sources below you will hear that there is good reason to believe the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, is responsible not for global disasters but for greening the planet. Something of enormous benefit to the poor worldwide. Just listen, and if you are not a climate change ideologue you find yourself changing position.


Here is the gentle genius Freeman Dyson being interviewed on the subject. He’s on the faculty at the Institute for Advanced Study, where as a young physicist he hobnobbed with Albert Einstein. When Julian Schwinger, Sin-Itiro Tomonaga and Richard Feynman shared the 1965 Nobel Prize in physics for quantum electrodynamics, Dyson was widely acknowledged to be almost equally deserving — but the Nobel Committee only gives out three prizes for a given discovery.

It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World


Before reading on it is best to check out this video.


Are the best and cleverest of our youth going mad, or are they being indoctrinated through the imposition of an ideology which cannot be challenged? Not so long ago answers like those given on this university campus would have been thought a work of fiction, a set up. But it was not. This is reality for those who have abandoned all connection to the real world. But in some ways it is unfair to expose the students to ridicule. They are young, impressionable and have gone to university to learn from lecturers set in place to mark papers submitted by students. They are then presented by an ideology, which however counter intuitive it might seem, is being constantly affirmed by their own convictions, the majority of their fellow students and all of their professors. All students want to pass their chosen course with good grades, so it takes one of real character to challenge those teaching the class and risk the hostile attention of their peer group. It is almost painful to watch decent students desperately trying to square a circle; scrabbling around for the right words to affirm a belief a part of them knows to be untrue and arguably absurd.

This should not be necessary, but here are a few reasons to believe male and female are different but complimentary; almost as if they were deliberately made for one another.

These are many Genetic Differences Between Male and Female

Examine the chromosome pair 23, XX for female and XY for male, and the many differences between the sexes become apparent. The Y chromosome is considerably shorter than it’s  X chromosome counterpart. Despite its size the “Y chromosome carries two of the most important genes for a male. One of these genes is called SRY that determine the maleness of the human species. It is responsible for the initiation of male sex determination in humans which initiates the process of turning the sexless gonads into testis in the male, otherwise they stay up in the abdomen to become ovaries for the female. It is therefore the chromosome pair 23 from the male that determines what sex the developing embryo will ultimately become after conception. The other gene controls the production of sperm.

Another major genetic difference between the sexes is the inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA in the female. Mitochondria are present in all the cells of both sexes but are passed from one generation to the next only through the mother. The genes they carry are replicated and do not go through any recombination as the rest of genes do during fertilisation. Maternity testing is based on this knowledge of the mitochondrial DNA properties. Paternity testing is generally performed using the nuclear DNA present in all non-reproductive or somatic cells. All of this information clearly shows that the physiological differences in the sexes are biological as well as chemical driven. It is the quantity of the testosterone and oestrogen in the blood of both sexes and the ratio of the two hormones present that affect the physiological activities in both sexes as well as the physical attributes of the male and female human body.

That very brief overview should be sufficient to kill off the absurdities about gender identity being promoted to and through the students being interviewed in the video above. They are the generation about to take up positions in every sphere of educational, academic and political life. If you think this is merely an American phenomena then think again, it has infiltrated through much of Western Society and is spreading through university faculties based on those subject areas covered by the Humanities.

The following words were written around 1600 years ago by a Christian saint: Anthony the Great.

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’”

The question is, has this time arrived? Below three very sensible, articulate, well balanced and qualified women give their views on what is happening to us all.